Framework installation vs custom Agile ecosystem – which is better?

When we install a framework (Scrum, SAFe, LeSS, DAD, Kanban, etc.) without understanding what the team/organization truly needs, we are creating what Lean calls muda. Muda is waste. Muda in the form of unnecessary meetings, redundant practices, solving non-problems, additional low-value artifacts, new role confusion, change fatigue, … the list goes on and on.


Framework Installation vs Custom Agile Ecosystem

Ditch the Framework Installations

Instead, let’s start treating frameworks as “collections of recommended practices”. Installing a framework “as is” should never be done, or rarely in very special circumstances. Each team, each value stream, each organization, each enterprise is unique. Force fitting a framework into any and all situations is inherently wasteful.

Coach the team/org to adopt, create, and own Agile practices that specifically address their challenges and are in line with the 12 Agile principles. As Coaches, we are also in a great position to describe (but not mandate) proven practices from the various frameworks and our experience. Let the team/org decide on the appropriate practice. Ask leading questions such as “How are we doing on early and continuous delivery of valuable software? Not so good? OK, great. Let’s brainstorm this opportunity. Who has an idea of a small change that will get us going in the right direction?”


Fit-For-Purpose Ecosystems

Treat each practice choice as an experiment and adjust based on learnings. Share the results regularly to the entire enterprise in order to promote agility innovation. Can you imagine the positive benefit of all teams and organizations running different Agile experiments with a spirit of continuous improvement?

Build “fit-for-purpose ecosystems” with minimum muda. Waste not, want not. Improve from there.

Final note – regarding the prevalent school of thought around starting with a framework and go from there, well, … I just don’t get it. Why not start with a custom fit-for-purpose set of targeted practices that have a better chance of positive impact, less muda, and higher levels of ownership? Then seek improvements and build off that.



Is it too much work? Which approach will result in better agility levels faster? IMHO, the answer is obvious – creating custom fit-for-purpose ecosystems.

Framework installation vs custom Agile ecosystem? Ditch the framework installation. Would you rather “go SAFe” or “get better faster”?

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