I’m often asked, “When will my team join an ART?” My typical go-to answer is, “Maybe never! It’s more about finding the leanest operating model than it is about launching ARTs.”

SAFe does a great job introducing us to the notion of a Development Value Stream (DVS). SAFe also does a great job describing the Agile Release Train (ART) as a virtual structure of 5 – 12 teams (50+ people), formed to deliver the value for the DVS.

Herein lies the problem: the ART approach is only one of several operating models used to satisfy a DVS within the enterprise. SAFe doesn’t speak to the other operating models, and a common confusion is that all teams will eventually join an ART.

Yes, SAFe is all about scaling, but its purposeful exclusion of enterprise operating model context was a big miss IMHO!

For example, it is entirely possible that a single team satisfies a DVS by independently building the system(s) involved in delivering value to the customer. SAFe alludes to this a few times in their online articles, but obviously doesn’t emphasize it since it is not a scaling scenario.

It is also entirely possible that a small number of 2 – 4 collaborating teams satisfy a DVS by working as a “team of teams”. SAFe doesn’t talk about this scenario at all.

Neither of these two situations require a heavy scaling model such as an ART. And, in some enterprises these two lean operating models can cover most of the need!

The key is to identify your Development Value Streams. Then talk about what Teams are involved to create and deliver value. Then go for the leanest operating model you can. Often times, it’s a single independent team or a small number of collaborating teams. #NoARTNeeded

lean operatin model



It’s not about launching ARTs. It’s about gaining a good understanding of your Development Value Stream, then determining the minimum operating model to support flow of value. Don’t over-complicate it by launching an ART when it’s not needed.

Contact us for your SAFe training needs here. For more on SAFe, visit here. For more on what all is typically involved in an Agile transformation, visit here.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!